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Saunders Triplets

Saunders Triplets: Baby Harry Potter's Mysterious Identities Unveiled

The Unnamed Infants

The Saunders triplets, two brothers and a sister, hold a unique place in the history of the Harry Potter franchise. In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), they portrayed the infant version of the iconic wizard, Harry Potter.

A Shared Role

Despite their significant role in the film, the Saunders triplets remained unnamed and unknown until recently. Their characters had no lines and were never identified in the credits. It was only in later years that the public learned their identities.

A Surprising Revelation

The revelation of the Saunders triplets' involvement has shed new light on the production of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The use of three siblings to portray a single character is an intriguing detail that adds to the film's mystique.
